Bob Jones, prophetIn the life of many of God’s chosen servants, events in their lives speak to us with prophetic urgency. While this is certainly true throughout the stories in the Bible, we also find it is true in the lives of many of His Servants today, as well.  In this, there is one instance in his life of now late prophet that I think speaks profoundly to this generation, the life of Bob Jones.

I feel this small snippet of the life of Bob Jones, his recovery and time in rehab under a Christian doctor who wanted to “just save one more” speaks to the condition of the young people in the church, those who know they are called to be used of God, but are, for whatever reason, unable to move forward.

For the many of this generation who either know their calling, are running for it, or are simply clueless to the plans God has designed for them, I believe this speaks to them today.  This is taken in part from the Prophetic History of IHOP-KC, the 1988 version.