The Gospel is power.  It is not mere words, but they are the “Words of Life” (John 6:68).

If we don’t understand that the Gospel is about affecting a change on a condemned and dying world, we will have very little traction to keep us in our prayer rooms.

Some may say God will do this or that, and who can stop the will of God? But, the scripture is clear, the prayer of the righteous CHANGES things!  Things that wouldn’t have happened will, because someone prayed.  Things that would have happened, won’t, because someone labored and moved the heavens.  This is the Gospel.  This is the charge.

Because Daniel prayed, the angel Gabriel was released with revelation from heaven.  Because Abraham prayed, God would have saved Sodom for only a handful of righteous.  Because Moses prayed, rebellious Israel was not consumed numerous times in the desert.  Because Jesus prayed, Peter’s faith did not fail.

From the time that men began to seek the Lord (Genesis 4:26), God’s favor and blessings and provision have been moved because men and women prayed.

Those who pray seek the face of God.  They seek His will, and, in the New Covenant, bring heaven to Earth with their petitions, intercession, and supplications.  They touch the divine, and as that bridge of His power, they bring forth the fruit of their faith, the full possession.

Not that all things that we ask for we will see ourselves in this life with our own eyes, but those things that we have faith for, not one of them shall fail.

When the church prays, the victory of Jesus is established on the Earth, and the covenant of His blood is enforced over the territory.  When the church prays, interceeds, worships, and prophesies in Jesus’ name (for the Spirit of Prophecy is the testimony of Jesus, Revelation 19:10), the dominion of heaven, superior to all other dominions, pushes back dominions, principalities, and powers, and makes them subject to the public show by which they were already defeated, the cross of Jesus.

Prayer touches the heart of God, and, with the most powerful thing of all Eternity, love (Song of Songs 8:6), it moves the creator of creation, the Great One, the Eternal, and brings His dominion to bear on our behalf.

Because we do not serve a distant, non-feeling God, the honest, sincere petitions of His children reach His ears, and as a good Father, He does not give a stone when His children beg for bread, but He feeds them!

For, surely, the Father will feed His flock.  He will pasture them, and give them a good portion.  Yet, we must seek Him always, and cleave to Him, never departing from our God, but turning our face to Him continually.

It is not enough to be content with just a little touch, or a measure of His presence, but we must be willing to be taught, and to mature, until we reach the full measure of the Stature of Christ, the complete man, able to discern good and evil, and come into the full knowledge of the Son of God, the perfect man, and be perfect.

His provision is sufficient for us, in the presence of the Holy Spirit, for all things pertaining to life and godliness.  We have all we need.  Prayer is about coming to Him in full assurance of faith that everything we have need of is already in Him, and in that place, the flow of the supply of Heaven is available to meet our every need, and that of the whole world, to all who will believe on His name.

May His name be glorified forever!