Jesus Heals the Blind Man

A Place Your Glory Dwells

For I give you good doctrine; Forsake ye not my law.
For I was a son unto my father, Tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother.
And he taught me, and said unto me: Let thy heart retain my words; Keep my commandments, and live;
Get wisdom, get understanding; Forget not, neither decline from the words of my mouth.

Proverbs 4:1-5

Spending some time remembering the day Jesus called me to the deep things of the spirit. I remember running to my prayer room at every chance. I was so hungry for the deeper things of God. I was so hungry for the tangible presence. I was seeing miracles and the power of prayer working and interceding for good meetings and seeing God show himself in mighty ways. It was wonderful…

But it wasn’t enough.

I remember waking up and hurrying to do my morning lists. Running to prayer meetings for school and seeing a few clients for prayer sessions.. I would run home to my secret place to meet with Jesus. I remember the day when He walked in the room. The love that poured out was consuming and none like I have or ever have felt before..

It was like the Ancient of Days opened His gate and as I entered He shut the door behind me and I have never looked back.

One scripture in my prayer room that day changed me forever.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God

Matt 5:8

I remember crying out to God that I needed to know Him more and that there had to be more than this. I remember praying Matt 5:8 and saying if there is anything in me God remove because I want to see your face. His face He did show me and I was changed. I focused on this scripture so intensely. I would read it over and word by word. I would wait for what he would say to me that day about this one scripture. Even this wasn’t enough…

Nothing was satisfying …I was lovesick..ruined for His face. I wanted to see him. I wanted Him to see me.

For I give you good doctrine.. Every word I read about Him was glorious, I prayed where to read and allowed it change me. Forsake ye not my law. Allow His word to transform you into His likeness. Allow His Word to cleanse and heal you from every dark and wicked corner. The room that is made in this process preserves a special place for His Glory to come and dwell.

Oh how I love becoming a place for His glory to dwell.. Not just show up or to do something for me or to manifest some new feeling, but that the King of Kings would find it pleasing to dwell within me. We all realize when we become His children He dwells within us..then there is a deeper knowing of that awareness that we spend our lifetime diving from a place of that glory to glory. The deep call to deep! Oh the knowing of the stretch of His increase! ! The new awareness of the beauty of His holiness. To gaze up this beauty has ravished my heart. For I was a son unto my father, Tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother. And he taught me, and said unto me: Let thy heart retain my words: Keep my commandment, and live …..this is true discipleship, this is the example of how God instructs fathers. When we submit to Abba, He begins to teach us His Word. He makes His words and commandments come alive inside. In response to this we become alive with the manifest presence of His Word within us. We become His Word made manifest. In a new sense we truly know what it is to really live. Living with the reality of the King of Glory lives in me..Selah

For in Him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are His offspring Acts 17:28

Today my prayer for you is that the Lord would begin to ignite His spoken Word in your deepest inner man as you read and drink from this fountain. I pray that you would then see the reality of His Words and have them change the way you perceive His presence. That His Words would establish a new realm of faith for the unseen mysteries of His glory within you. That Abba would saturate your heart with a passion of His deep love for you today!
